360 Feedback Planning
Always start with the end in mind be clear about what you want to achieve from the 360 feedback programme and this will inform the way you set it up.
- Get help with questionnaire design, testing and set up.
- Internal communication enhances engagement, builds trust and reduces the fear and anxiety that can be associated with 360 feedback, for respondents as well as appraisees.
Information collection
Decide from the start how you are planning to administer your 360 programme. The online system is fast and easy to use, but the chasing of people to identify respondents and complete there 360 feedback can be time-consuming. For this reason, many of our clients prefer to use our premium administered service.
Administered Service
This ‘done for you’ service is carried out by our internal team of 360 feedback administrators.
How it works: first you agree on a plan and timeline with your programme manager, then we will manage the information collection on your behalf. Specific service specification can be agreed on an individual basis and typically would include the following:
- You will be allocated a dedicated administrator
- You supply names and emails of those you want to have 360 feedback and we do the rest
- Set up of individual 360s
- Ensure the agreed number and mix of respondents are identified
- Monitor the progress of participants, sending reminders to appraisee and respondents as agreed
- Liaise with appraisee over any bounced email addresses
- Download 360 feedback reports and forward them to the identified coach of facilitator
- Project overview to the client at agreed time intervals (usually fortnightly) with any actions required.
You can get on with your day job safe in the knowledge that Health Service 360 are making sure that your 360 programme gets the attention it needs to runs smoothly and that appraisees complete their 360 in time to meet your organisational demands.
Individual Feedback
The way that information in 360-degree feedback report is managed is probably the most important part of the entire 360 process. Effective 360 feedback facilitation is critical in ensuring acceptance of the feedback, ownership of the themes emerging and learning to be had from them. Help from a 360 feedback facilitator can make a real difference to the extent personal growth and performance improvement achieved.
There are a number of ways Health Service 360 can support you with 360 feedback facilitation.
One to One 360 Feedback Facilitation
Our team of experienced feedback coaches are used to working with health professionals and understand the culture of health care. They provide a structured feedback session usually lasting between 1.5 -2 hours. During this meeting, they explore the content of the 360 feedback report, hold coaching style conversations around the themes emerging and work with the appraisee to identify what behaviours can be enhanced or altered in order to develop personally and professionally within their role. These are recorded as an action plan.
These one to one feedback sessions can be carried out face to face, on the telephone or via Skype. External feedback facilitation can be particularly useful for senior teams, groups where behaviour or performance is perceived to be challenged prior to the 360 intervention and for some individuals where sensitivity and anonymity are critical.
Training – Your Own Team of 360 Feedback Facilitators
For large 360 feedback programmes, external feedback facilitation may not be practical or financially viable. It is often wise to build your own internal capacity from the start. Health Service 360 offer both open and bespoke in-house facilitator training programmes. Depending on the experience of your people one of two-day facilitator training is available. For those with experience in learning and development, coaching or giving feedback the one-day training is usually appropriate. For those with less experience with 360 feedback and less experience of developing others beyond direct management the two-day programme delves deeper into coaching style conversations and creating compelling actions.
While bespoke training is tailored to your specific 360 programme, a typical facilitator training would include:
- The role of 360 feedback facilitators
- Outline of the Health Service 360 report
- Report Interpretation
- Structure for feedback facilitation sessions
- Managing feedback sessions
- Dealing with challenging behaviour
- Creating compelling actions
- Identifying organisational learning
Workshops are very ‘hands-on’ and participants get lots of practical experience throughout the day. Groups run with up to 12 participants, this allows for supervision and support throughout the day. Please contact Angela for further information.
Organisational Learning
There are two distinct areas of return from 360 feedback, the benefit to the individual who has undertaken 360 feedback and the value to the organisation of the collective information and learning. 360 feedback informs the organisation in a number of ways:
- Identifies common themes across teams departments and even whole organisations
- Identifies strengths and models for good practice
- Identifies team, departmental and organisational blind spots; custom or practice which does not serve the organisation, its staff or its patients /users
- Identifies individuals who are high fliers and those who may need extra support
- Allows the organisation to focus development activity and resource to where it will have the biggest impact
- Identifies leadership capacity and development need
- Exposes team challenges creating a platform for them to be addressed
Health Service 360 can help you identify and act on organisational learning in a number of ways.
Team coaching/development days
Following individual 360 feedback meetings and the collation of management information a facilitated team workshop can enhance the impact of the feedback and increase the sustainability of its impact. these days are designed around actual outcomes of the feedback and are most beneficial to teams who either work closely together such as a specific operational team or people who cover the similar roles – such as matrons, heads of nursing or clinical directors. The days often contain elements of the following:
- Overview of group feedback
- Sharing of management information from feedback
- Team building activities based on 360 findings.
- Identifying team benefits
- What needs to change and how this can happen
- Specific development themes
Management Information
Aggregate information from your 360 feedback project contributes to your organisational learning by identifying trends, patterns and outliers. Health Service 360 can provide management data divided up in teams and cohorts you choose. this information will give you an overview of performance against competency areas, detailed analysis of behaviours measured and gap analysis between self-assessment and others assessment.