There are times when you need external help; outsiders who can question the unquestionable, challenge entrenched behaviour and identify hidden talents within your organisation.
Finding external people who genuinely understand the NHS and healthcare can be a frustrating experience. You need people who are credible, who listen and who challenge the status quo in a constructive solution-focused manner. Health Service 360 fit the bill. the directors have spent most of their working lives in healthcare either in direct delivery, service management and now in development, quality improvement and organisation well being.
Our core team is made up of clinicians, consultants and coaches with extensive national and international experience in healthcare. This team is supported by a group of associates, each with industry-specific skills, to ensure we give a comprehensive response to clients needs.
Our background
Health Service 360 was established in 2000 and has supported the NHS consistently and successfully for over a decade. Initially, much of this work was process redesign based on our experience and knowledge of emergency care.
Our 3 P’s model emerged early on as process alone rarely fixes problems. Internal culture, professional role boundaries and interpersonal dynamics frequently get in the way of change and progress.
Real, sustainable change happens only when owned and driven by those responsible for delivery. Over the years we have seen too many examples of good people, committed doctors, nurses and managers, disillusioned, stressed or disengaged. Often because they feel powerless to make a difference or feel constrained from using their skills or from doing their job to the best of their ability. Yet often these are the very people who have the answers. We work across organisational levels using lean principles, to share ideas, create energy and engagement and ensure that those with a solution have a voice.
People make the difference
Understanding the strength and potential challenges within your teams helps you to build for the future as well as manage now. We work with you to re-energise, engage and empower your people, and:
- Develop leadership capability
- Improve team working
- Enhance individual performance
- Identify and implement solutions
- Support Trust objectives
Our services have all evolved in response to client need and we firmly believe that targeted investment in your people delivers the best chance of sustainable quality improvement – it’s the cultural switch that makes quality everyone’s responsibility.
Developing leadership Capability
Strong leadership is not just about job titles – it’s about values, culture and commitments. We help you build capability in a number of ways:-
- Coaching
- Bespoke leadership programmes
- Tried & tested leadership development that works for specific teams or across the health economy
TODAY – a model for change based on valuing Patients time
COLLABORATE – Learn leadership development practical skills with proven cost saving
WHAT’S YOUR STORY? – Creating a constructive narrative for healthcare based in neurobiology & personal effectiveness
- 360 Feedback – for cultural change and leadership development
- Service development consultancy – with a particular expertise in emergency care
360° Feedback
Health Service 360 added 360 feedback to its portfolio in 2007 – before the commercial rush for revalidation. Our product was designed around development need and leadership capability. Initially, we used it for our clients as part of our cultural and leadership diagnostic. Now it is a fully-fledged business in its own right. What we have not lost though, is our focus on development, both at an individual and an organisational level.
More about our 360 feedback products
Why work with Health Service 360
We see ourselves as trusted advisors and ‘honest brokers’ within an organisation, people who will challenge and champion, people who care about your success, and about the quality of health care generally.