Meet the Team

Lynda Holt
CEO, Health Service 360
Honorary Professor of Social Leadership
School of Health & Society University Of Salford
Lynda has spent the last 18 years enabling leaders, health professional and difference makers ito lead well, make tangible change, empower their people and improve patient experience.
She believes challenging times call on us to be courageous enough to explore the possible, to be kind enough to do no intentional harm, and to trust ourselves enough to make the contribution we’re here to make.
In 2019 she co-designed the I-CARE framework for courageous leadership – which has supported 1000’s of nurses wading through the uncertainties, hardships and occasional wins the pandemic has bought.
She is responsible for programme development as well as training delivery and coaching.
Lynda has a background in emergency care and was the RCN national lead for Emergency Nurses for 6 years. In her NHS career her leadership journey took her from ward to board. Lynda has worked also with boards of large organisations, charities and other emergency services on developing courageous leadership.
Lynda has authored a number of books in Emergency Care and Personal Development, she enjoys speaking at conferences, podcasts and online events.
Together with Brian, she is responsible for the ongoing social movement #EndPJ paralysis, which aims to reduce physical and psychological deconditioning, by sharing best practice and wisdom amongst health and social care professionals.

Brian Dolan OBE
FFNMRCSI, FRSA, MSc (Oxon), MSc (Nursing), RMN, RGN
Director, Health Service 360
Honorary Professor of Leadership in Healthcare
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Salford, Manchester
Honorary President AGILE: The network of Chartered Physiotherapists working with Older People
Honorary Adjunct Professor of Innovation in Healthcare, Bond University, Queensland
Brian has a 30+ year career in healthcare focusing on leadership, system redesign, culture change and patient flow. He was awarded the OBE in 2019 for services to nursing.
He is the originator of #EndPJparalysis and the last 1000 days, which in the last few years has resulted in multiple international mobility challenges and Global Deconditioning Summits. Brian has developed what he has learned from creating a social movement in healthcare into practical everyday leadership strategies for health professionals.
The success of the #EndPJParalysis Movement demonstrates his ability to engage motivate and drive others to do the right thing for patients, staff and services. Brian has specialist expertise in Lean Thinking, leadership, clinical service redesign and patient flow, as well as a proven ability to shape strategic thinking and create sustainable organisational change.
Brian is a change agent who is in constant demand and can take others on a journey that puts the patient at the centre of care while delivering quality outcomes and improved patient flow. His personal philosophy is that while the staffs’ time is important, the patient’s time is sacred. This informs his approach to service redesign that enables timely, safe access to services for patients while valuing staff wellbeing and expertise in co-creating innovations in practice.

Angela Clark
Operations Manager
Angela is our chief of making things happen. She is responsible for all our events – especially the #EndPJparalysis Summit. In addition she co-ordinates all our leadership programmes and manages the 360 feedback service.
In short she makes sure the entire team, especially Lynda & Brian, are in the right place and have what they need to deliver an outstanding service to those we work with.

Ruth Buckley
Executive Coach & Trainer
Ruth has several decades of clinical and managerial expertise in the NHS and globally. Ruth has worked as part of the Health Service 360 delivery team for a number of years, working on service delivery, leadership and interpersonal communication
Ruth qualified as an executive coach a few years ago and now supports the delivery of leadership programmes at all levels.