Our clients include:
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Key roles:
- Development of bespoke 360 feedback tool for Trust staff from all professional backgrounds, based on the trust’s values framework.
- Set up and management of a branded microsite through which 360 feedback is managed.
- Ongoing administration of process – the Trust simply supplies names and emails of those who need 360 feedback and we do the rest
- Training internal 360 feedback facilitators and provision of supervision as needed
- Regular management meetings to review findings and organisational learning from 360 feedback
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Key roles:
- Provision of lean leadership programme for clinical teams
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Key Roles:
- Service development / improving performance and patient experience with the emergency care team
- Support to develop leadership team
- Leadership development for senior ED nursing team
- 360 feedback for senior ED nursing team
Provision of NHS productive series for Victoria State, Australia
Key Roles:
- Project support
- Training
- Coaching
- through Qualitas Consortium