Simple Online Process…
You can download the full user guide from here
HealthService360 has been designed so you can get high quality, reliable feedback from the people you work with using a fast and simple online system.
All you need is access to a web browser and an email address. The questionnaire is set up and managed online, email links are sent to respondents allowing them to give feedback online, reports are collated then accessed directly from the website, no waiting around for printing or postage. There is no software to download and the system has been designed to be compatible with any standard corporate desktop IT regime.
Step 1 – Set up
You will receive an email from HealthService360 inviting you to set up your 360 account.
To start your 360-degree feedback you need to create a username and password. Follow the <Control Panel Link> in your email and you will be taken to a page where you can enter a username and password for yourself. Remember these because you will need them to access the system in the future.
Click the <Save> button to store them and then log into the system. Once you login you will open your own control panel. This allows you to manage your 360, monitor progress and generate your report
Step 2 – Your self-perception
Fill in the questionnaire about yourself – follow the link to <fill in> your self-perception questionnaire. You don’t have to fill in all questions in one sitting, but you must complete them all before your report can be generated. This includes any free text questions.
You have the option to answer ‘Don’t Know’ to any question you feel unable to answer.
Click <submit answers> to save your responses.
Step 3 – Choosing your respondents
You need to choose a number of people to give you feedback, around 8 – 10 is usually ideal, but the system will allow you to add more if you require.
To get the full benefit from your 360 you need to choose your respondents carefully, you need a mix of people who know you well enough and work with you often enough to comment on your behaviour and skills. It can be tempting to ask people you think will all say nice things about you to provide your feedback – but don’t! If you really want to use this opportunity to develop then look for people who you trust to give honest helpful feedback.
Your respondents should include your immediate superior(s), members of your own peer group, your junior staff and other clinical and non-clinical colleagues. It is good practice to ask respondents if they are willing to give feedback before including them in the 360 process, this allows them to think about what they want to say, and ultimately speeds up the 360 process.
Step 4 – Adding your respondents
In your control panel, you will see a space to add your respondents. Click on the <add> link next to the Add another respondent and you will be asked to give the name, email address and relationship to you for each of your respondents.
IMPORTANT: please make sure that you enter email addresses accurately. You need to use full external email addresses in internet format (e.g. Copying email addresses from your internal global address list (e.g. Joe Bloggs <> or “Joe Bloggs”) will NOT work as external systems cannot read the internal formatting. The system will attempt to verify the email address when you enter it – so there may be a short delay.
IMPORTANT: make sure that you do not use accents, or other non-UK characters when filling in names and email addresses.
Each of these people will receive an email containing a personalised link to your questionnaire inviting them to fill in the questionnaire based on their perception of you. You can see on the control panel who has filled in their questionnaire and who you’re still waiting for – but you can’t see who said what.
If your respondent loses the email, or your wish to remind them you can resend it by clicking the <resend email> link.
If you change your mind about your choice of respondent, or they have not completed the questionnaire you can remove a respondent by using the<remove> link. (You cannot remove respondents who have completed their feedback fully).
Step 5 – Reviewing progress
The progress of your 360 workset is shown in the Control Panel section.
The progress of your respondents is colour coded to allow you to see at a glance how your 360 is progressing.
Inactive – means that the respondent has not yet started to fill in the questionnaire. You can still cancel the invitation and send it to someone else.
In Progress – means that the respondent has started to fill in the questionnaire but there still remain one or more unanswered questions. All questions must be answered including any free text questions.
Completed – means that the respondent has finished filling in the questionnaire and can no longer access it or change their answers.
Once your respondents start to fill in your question set their status on the control panel will change to <In Progress>. As each respondent completes all the questions their status will change to <Completed>.
Step 6 – Accessing your report
Once all your respondents have completed and submitted their results and you have filled out your own self-perception an orange bar with a link to your report will appear in the control panel. To view your report online click<view>
To download your report in PDF format click <export to PDF> in the left navigation bar. Your report will download in a new window and can be saved and printed from here. Your report gives you an overview of your report, comparing your perception with the average feedback from your respondents. It then breaks down each competency in detail, gives you free text comments and concludes with your 5 highest and lowest scoring questions.
Each 360 appraisal has a workbook designed to use with the report, you can download the appropriate workbook from here. The workbook will help you examine your report, it contains a structured process towards creating an action plan. It can be used independently, but it often more effective when discussed with your feedback facilitator, tutor or appraiser.