Braver Leaders Programme
Good leadership is the glue that hold teams and organisations together, particularly in rough times.
Many people find the challenges and uncertainty of sustained change, staff turnover, and everyday work pressures, has left them with little space to reflect and process what they experience. All leaders need time and space for this processing if they are to stay connected, serve their people and grow into the leader they have the potential to be.
The Braver Leaders Programme creates that space.
The programme is built around the ICARE framework created by Prof Lynda Holt in 2018. In addition to building the knowledge and skills needed to lead well, the programme enables people to explore themselves by considering their behaviour, their attitudes, and their ‘stories’.
Braver Leaders will equip your people with the skills and mindset needed to navigate health care delivery today. The programme can be adapted to suit leaders at all stages of their journey, and is typically most popular for mid level leaders (NHS bands 7-8b).

Aspiring Matrons Programme
The transistion into Matron / Head of Service role is perhaps one of the biggest leadership leaps. This programme uses the priniciples of braver leadership and personal growth from the ICARE Framework and layers it with the key roles and skills described in The Matron’s Handbook (2021).
The programme offers a comprehensive development experience, usually spread ove six months. It includes:
- Eight face to face workshop days, divided into four modules,
- Four facilitated peer mentoring groups
- 1:1 coaching
- Online learning library of bite sized resources
Leading Culture Change
Culture change requires movement not mandate. It is determined by the people with in it, and most organisations have many different micro cultures. Legislation and policy will support your leaders in setting boundaries and dealing with behaviour, but creating change requires ownership, connectedness and agency.
Culture change requires a different language, it requires collaboration, and most of all it requires leaders to both support and create movement. There are many lessons we can learn from social movements throughout history, in particular movement towards something you believe in, or away from behaviour, values, and actions your people don’t identify with.
Having led or facilitated culture change programmes for several decades two things are clear.
- People need space to explore who they are and where they fit.
- Story and narrative matter.
- Trust and psychological safety are paramount.
Lynda & Brian can support your culture change in a number of ways

One Day Workshops
These impactful days will get your people thinking differently, engaging with each other more meaningfully and focused on the things they can impact. Each workshop helps to delegates to work in a more connected way, and to pay attention to how they engage with other humans.
- How To Work With People Who Drive You Mad. – drawing on DiSC personality profiling this workshop helps people understand themselves and their teams better. it also provides insights into better communication.
- The Rising Cost of Incivility – participants will consider the human cost of incivility before looking at the four main types of incivility, and strategies to tackle them.
- Lost In Translation – leading four generations in the workplace – Delegates will look at the difference and similarities between generations before moving on to conside how to translate the best of leadership into something fit for the future.